A natural approach to health…
Have you been considering a holistic approach to your health problems?
If you have, then you’re in the right place. Many of the clients I work with come to me because they are tired of trying things that don’t work when it comes to healing their physical, mental, or spiritual bodies.
In this article, I’m going to discuss the benefits of holistic healing, how health is restored, the beauty in the mind, body, soul connection, and how you may be getting in the way of your own growth.
Health is not just the problem you are experiencing, your health is your entire state of wellness. The whole picture. And the problem is, Western medicine likes to treat just the symptoms you are experiencing instead of focusing on the solution - which is to restore true health to the entire body, mind and spirit.
The solution is adapting a holistic approach to your health and healing. When a holistic wellness approach is applied, we treat the symptoms as red flags that your body is asking for help. And chances are, the symptom you are experiencing is not the first red flag experienced to date, it may just be the first you are really paying attention to. There is more going on than meets the eye, and when we take a holistic approach we address the big picture so that a greater healing is possible.
Working together as a team, we will find the right avenues to take and tools to use to reconnect you back to your body and spark the fire within your heart so that your body will begin it’s natural process of healing itself on it’s own.
Keep reading if you want to learn more about holistic wellness and healing.
The Benefits of Holistic Healing
Health is defined in the dictionary as “the state of being free from illness or injury.” (Notice the definition does not say “the state of managing symptoms with prescription medications and making sure the symptoms never come back.”)
So what is holistic health? “The word holistic means “dealing with the whole.” From this definition, we understand holistic medicine involves the wellness of the whole person. A holistic practitioner will treat not only the physical ailment or condition, but also the emotional, mental and even spiritual aspects that aggravate the condition.”
Our health is so much more than our symptoms and it is our responsibility to take care of ourselves in the best way we know how.
I am so grateful for the healthcare system that we have in Manitoba. However, in my experience because of how the system is designed, some of our doctors do not always have the time or capacity to really get to know their patient and what makes them who they are.
Even though there are often good intentions, unfortunately sometimes the human element can be lost.
Our natural state is a state of health and wholeness, it is not a state of problems and pain. The pain in our bodies is simply an indicator (a distress signal even) that something isn’t right. When we listen to this pain and work on regaining full body health, we truly begin our healing process.
The problems and pain come from layers of trauma that accumulate in the body. For a helpful visual I like using the image of an onion so you can picture the layers upon layers. As each layer builds up in the body, it can affect health, emotions, behavior and immunity.
The layers of traumas that accumulate are what shift us away from health and often appear as unfavorable symptoms such as headaches, sleep issues, and anxiety. Anxiety, depression, and overstimulation are not the actual problem, they are just the symptoms! Western medicine will try to treat these only instead of uncovering the layers upon layers that eventually created this symptom.
Take one of my clients for example, little Melissa. (Yes, I work with children!) She is the sweetest little girl and has the gift of bringing out smiles in everyone she meets. She also has an incredibly strong will that exhausts her parents and has pushed them to their limits.
Her teachers report that she had ants in her pants during school and she could not focus on her school work. She also had a problem of wetting the bed that they could not seem to remedy. This affected her ability to go on sleepovers and her self-esteem.
After working with Melissa, I could tell that her story displayed the subtle and not so subtle signs of a compromised system. The subtle signs being the behavioral issues, and the not so subtle signs of bed-wetting and strong moods.
Instead of focusing on the symptoms and problems that we could see, I focused on the solution. By working towards restoring overall health to Melissa, the symptoms of complaint also relaxed. Melissa was able to relax, feel safe and regain confidence in herself again.
These seemingly manageable symptoms are, in reality, our bodies cry for us to pay attention.
When we pay attention, we allow ourselves to heal.
How is Health Restored?
Healthcare is not universal, it’s individual. The holistic approach is one where you work with your doctors, teachers, therapists, or guides to find the right keys to unlock your unique and specific body.
In this article, Dr. Marchon says, “You are unique physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Physically, you are unique in terms of your body’s specific deficiencies, toxicities, harmful microorganisms, environment, DNA, and more. Your wellness plan needs to be equally unique.”
Health is restored when you have an individualized health plan to reconnect you back to your true essence of health and vitality.
My approach is unique and holistic with the intention to restore balance to your mind and body.
So how do we lose our health?
Every day our body’s are subject to chemical, emotional and physical injury. These injuries build up over time and can present as subtle symptoms. In babies it looks like: difficulty nursing, eczema, colic. In elementary school children it could look like: mood swings, chronically sick, and difficulty to adjust to new situations. In a teenager these symptoms may present as self-harm, depression, aggression, apathy. As an adult, it can be chronic pain, fatigue, or feelings of purposelessness.
Everybody has different levels that their body can handle, but at some point a threshold may be reached and this is where the huge red flag pops up and you’re faced with dealing with something big.
To prevent or work through trauma build up, I like to use a powerful technique that balances the body by using light touch on specific points of the body. It has the ability to create physical change and remove emotional blocks that may be creating unwanted effects on your body and life.
This tool is wonderful for healing because it’s a great alternative to talk therapy where you do not have to talk about the negative stress that you are going through or want to work through, you can simply set it as an intention in your mind and we can work on it.
Physical and chemical traumas also affect our bodies functionality. Falling down the stairs at two years old, whiplash from a car accident at twelve years old, or a sports injury as an adult are all ways traumas can build up in your body.
As you remove blockages in the way of your best health, you will find more alignment in all areas of your life.
The way back to restored health is no “one size fits all” magic pill or potion, it’s a series of simple, intentional steps to reconnect you to yourself and reignite your fire within.
The Mind, Body, Soul Connection
Total health and well-being is when your mind, body, soul connection is in alignment and fully empowered.
Alexa, a nutritionist and wellness coach says in her blog, “True health comes from the harmony of the mind, body, and soul working together. The harmony that these three create together creates lasting health, joy, and peace.”
Along with your body, your emotions and thoughts play a major role in your health.
To see what I mean, try this: Think about something that you really hate or someone who really bothers you. What changes happen in your body? Or think about a bright yellow lemon. See it clearly in your mind’s eye and picture cutting into the lemon right down the middle. Then picture yourself picking up half and squeezing the juice out right into your mouth on top of your tongue, and then swallowing the juice. How did your body react? Did you salivate more just thinking about it?
Can you see how what you think can change your bodily function? It is actually possible to increase your heart rate, tense up your shoulders, bring on a headache, or make yourself sick to your stomach by just thinking about it!
How our bodies react to our thoughts and emotions can be impacted throughout our life through the experiences we have. As we experience life, layers of reactions and learned behavior can affect how our bodies react.
The solution is often a reset or re-balance of the body, mind, soul connection to get things back to optimal.
Make a Change
Where are you today and where do you dream to be?
You may not be experiencing illness, just yet. Your child may not be getting kicked out of school, just yet. And you may not be actively talking about divorce, just yet. But if accumulation is building up in these directions, these pivot points are the perfect time to make a change before things topple over.
If you are at the other spectrum and are experiencing illness or chronic pain, now is the time to start reversing the damage from past years to start finding relief. A label or diagnosis is only as big or as true as we make it.
Even if you feel hopeless, I promise you there is a light on the other side of your pain or problems.
This is what I do. I help bring out your best self and best health to rekindle the love of life that you may be looking for. I will keep you headed in the right direction by using body balancing techniques and my knowledge of health to walk side-by-side with you on your journey back to health.
I care for each and every client the way I do my family, and I guarantee that you will always get my best.
If you’d like to work together, get in touch to see if I am the right fit for your journey.